Nic Promises, by Renae McBrian, is a marvelous tale of friendship and loyalty between two childhood friends. When Hanna leaves her friend Nic behind to live in the city, Nic’s life continues until Hanna returns the first day of their senior year – this time with a secret she can’t tell anyone. This is a tale that’s easy to read but difficult to forget. It leaves readers with much to think about. Written from the points of view of Nic and Hanna, you read the difficult choices they are faced with from the consequences of Hanna’s secret.
The main characters of this story were well developed and liked. I loved the details the author included, not only of the main characters but also of the supporting characters! While reading the story, I could picture the characters in my head perfectly. This story would be great for older children to read and understand. It could even help a child, which is another great reason to read this wonderful story!
This story brought back memories of a childhood friend of mine who faced a similar situation to Hanna’s. My favorite part was that Nic didn’t give up on her even when he wanted to. He showed true friendship and loyalty until the end of the story, when things became right. I hated that Hanna was put through the situation she went through not once but twice. It showed how the legal system really helped her out in this case. As an adult reading this story, I got chills to see the lengths Nic went through to protect his friend. The ending made me want to see more of what their adventures would lead them to. I can’t wait to read more books by this author!
A copy of this book was provided by the author, Renae McBrian, for review. You can buy a copy of the book here.