Godsent – buy it
by Richard Burton – website
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Kate Skylar is an ordinary seventeen-year-old with an extraordinary destiny. A virgin, Kate suddenly finds herself pregnant with what she believes is the Son of God. But the Catholic Church is convinced Kate is carrying the Antichrist and, assisted by an artificial intelligence known as Grand Inquisitor, will stop at nothing to kill Ethan, her son.
Ethan’s only protection is Conversatio, a secret organization dedicated to the Second Coming—which may have its own dark agenda. As Ethan grows up in anonymity, ignorant of his true identity and not knowing whom to trust, he must come to terms with his miraculous abilities and make a fateful choice that will determine the future of all mankind. And for Kate, an equally difficult struggle looms, as well as a mother’s devastating choice.
Godsent is a wild religious thriller, a page-turner that keeps you guessing until the very last page. Burton, in his fiction debut, crafts a tightly-wound narrative with a heart-pounding plot and emotional resonance that will ring true to anyone with children of their own, all while the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
Richard Burton hits a home run in his first published book, Godsent. He left no stone unturned in this religious thriller. Burton was not afraid to write even the most controversial twists into this book. If you are looking to become engrossed in a page-turning book, Godsent is the right choice.
As a young catholic girl, Kate is devoted to being pure until she weds. She soon discovers that she is pregnant. Her mother intends on keeping it a secret from their family and the church, and evens tries to abort the baby. But this is no ordinary pregnancy; Kate is carrying the Son of Man. Little does she know the church believes that Ethan is the Antichrist. With the help of a computer that has a mind of its own, The Grand Inquisitor, the church sets out to make sure Ethan is killed. A secret society, Conversatio, is trying to protect Ethan, as they believe there will be a Second Coming. But they have an agenda of their own and as Ethan discovers his abilities he must decide what is right and what his wrong. Kate, as a mother, must make her own difficult decisions.
What happens? Just when you think you know Burton throws in unexpected twists and turns in this, “I can’t put it down until I finish” book. Godsent is a must read for anyone and everyone no matter your age or your beliefs.
Remember, your fate is your choice. Choose wisely…